Pecha Kucha December 20, 2006
On Wednesday, December 20, 2006, Ianus Keller will talk about tools in a PechaKucha in Locus010 in Rotterdam.
Tempel interactive December 19, 2006
On Thursday, December 21, 2006, For Inspiration Only will do an interaction design workshop at Tempel with a new web service as a carrier.
BrightLive ’06 November 27, 2006
On Friday, December 1, 2006, the Bright Beta part of BrightLive will be curated by For Inspiration Only and will include the Cabinet prototype and premiere the “Panamorphosis table” with Aldo Hoeben’s fieldOfView
Innovation Playground November 25, 2006
On Thursday, November 30, 2006, For Inspiration Only will be one of the inspiration providers at the Innovation Playground.
New website November 24, 2006
In the line of reciprocity this post announces that what you are seeing is actually real… and yes, Bastiaan, the answer is really 42
IDE Research Day November 16, 2006
On Thursday, November 16, 2006, Ianus Keller was invited as a panel member about the role, relevance and types of research in the field of Industrial Design Engineering
Cheetah+ July 4, 2006
On Tuesday, July 4, 2006, For Inspiration Only participated in workshop organized by the always nice Martien van Steenbergen on a new diabetes platform in which the lessons of social software and open source to the world of medicine.
Dean gives kudos June 7, 2006
On Wednesday, June 7, 2006, Cabinet was mentioned in the inaugeral speech of the TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering’s new dean.
ReBoot8.0 June 2, 2006
On Thursday and Friday, June 1 and 2, 2006 For Inspiration Only and fieldOfView drove over to Copenhagen to participate in the Reboot 8.0 and give a demonstration of Cabinet.
Sultan's Elephant May 5, 2006
On a family trip to London in May, 2006, we semi-accidentally stumbled onto one of the most amazing theatrical experiences we have ever seen: The Sultan’s Elephant a show by french marionnette street theatre company Royal de Luxe.
Nabaztag April 26, 2006
As a true early adopter I bought myself a wireless internet enabled toy rabbit called Nabaztag. All we need now is a purpose.
ID-Workx DFI April 26, 2006
On Wednesday, April 26, 2006, Ianus Keller was invited by the Delft Design Student Association to give a lunch talk.
Smart Design April 1, 2006
On Saturday, April 1, 2006 For Inspiration Only was invited to talk to the Smart Deisgn principal Clay Burns and founder Dan Formosa in Amsterdam.
Bill Buxton February 1, 2006
On Wednesday, February 1, 2006. Ianus Keller was invited by one of his interface heroes Bill Buxton to meet and talk about his research at Microsoft Research Cambridge
Norman hatwear conspiracy January 12, 2006
Donald Norman, writer of numerous influential books on design and its effect on people, is now the proud owner of one of our homebrew hats.